We all made it to the Hospital.... just in time for Dakota to be Born, story is he was waiting for his Auntie Amy to get there!!

Grandma was alittle excited too! Daniel tried to keep her calm.....
Grandpa and Matthew were waiting to meet Dakota
Savanna is here waiting too! and Dakotas Uncle Devin
the night of Thanksgiving we put up our tree! so excited... it looked so nice in a not Teal Green Living room!
I belive the Apple tree is saying, its too dang Cold!! Brrr
Daniel got to see Santa and was super excited!!
Savanna was excited too, she won a sewing machine from the Clearwater Quiters! and has been sewing everything in sight!
Savanna got to snuggle with Dakota too, she was so proud! and she was amazed at how small he is
Daniel held Dakota, and cant wait to teach him how to dig in the dirt!
Matthew of course wasnt very impressed since he is now not the baby....
Aunty TJ got to see her cute nephew
as always Grandmas tree is pretty and up ready!
the whole family was together and grinning form ear to ear!
Uncle Nick was a very impressed with the strengh of his little nephew!
Mommy Stephanie got lots of congratulations on such a handsome healthy baby!
and of course we can for get that Little Dakota loves his Auntie!!
Thank you Kendall for finding this!
hope you all have a great Thanksgiving also!!!
Hugs and Blessings
Nicholas ~ Amy ~ Savanna ~ Daniel ~ Matthew
Thank you Kendall for finding this!
hope you all have a great Thanksgiving also!!!
Hugs and Blessings
Nicholas ~ Amy ~ Savanna ~ Daniel ~ Matthew
Thank you for the pictures of Dakota! He is super cute and lucky to have such great cousins and Aunties! Loved the Christmas tree pics also! Christmas, Christmas time here!
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